Day 4 of the 4th Annual Advent-ure Calendar

Day 4 of the 4th Annual Advent-ure Calendar

Day 4: Saucy Brew Works Three Hos

Three Hos is described as a “red ale with “Cleveland” style spices, medium bodied with a soft malt backbone and plenty abv to help with your holiday cheer.” Ok, what are “Cleveland” style spices? This description is the most vague out of all the beers we’ve had so far and appears to be saying “here’s a Christmas ale full of spice that will knock you on your ass.”


Beard & Broad
Beard: Not a fan of Fireball or cinnamon in beverages that don’t involve hot cider, and this tastes like a beer that Fireball made. There’s also another spice note in here I can’t decipher. Cardamom? Nutmeg? What other spice is from Cleveland? If you’re looking for a super duper spice beer that screams Merry Christmas in your face then this is for you, but I have to pass.

Broad: All I taste is spice and cinnamon, so so so much spice. I can’t taste anything else. It’s like a fireball-potpourri explosion in the can. I remember feeling the same last year and was hoping the recipe improved this year but it tastes the exact same. I would love to meet someone who LOVES this beer so I could try and understand what there is to like about it because I can’t get past the overwhelming spice flavors. Also I’m upset because the can is clearly lying when it says a “hint of cinnamon.” I will say the can design is A+.

Adam & Alex
Adam:  Unfortunately this beer is still just a tough one to get down. It reminds me of those fireball hot cinnamon candies. When you have so much cinnamon that it’s actually spicy that’s simply too much cinnamon. I honestly cannot even decipher any other flavors. It’s a little full. Lotta cinnamon.

Alex: I remember disliking this beer last year.  For me, there is just way too much cinnamon and it tastes like if Fireball was created in beer form.  This one is just not for me.

Adam’s Parents
Jon: Smells Spicy. It reminds me of the spices that are in the Cleveland Whiskey company Christmas bourbon.
Diane: It’s good but you can’t drink a lot of it. I feel like I would mix it with something like Coffee.

Pic: Adam & Alex

Scott & Christa
Scott: I bought Three Hos because I was a little harsh last year and wanted to give it another chance. Two surprises: 1. It does taste better and 2. It smells amazing.  But I just can’t help but think there’s a hidden bag of potpourri inside every can when I drink this. If they ever sell a Three Hos candle I’ll be first in line.

Christa: Here’s where Three Hos wins: In name, can design, and effort. Here’s where it falls short: Overall flavor. It has the same spice profile we will see in other beers on this list but where their spices taste like the real deal (nutmeg, cinnamon, vanilla), Three Hos tastes like the artificial variety. It’s a little too sweet for my taste. A little too overdone. A true ho.

Pic: Tony & Megan

Tony & Megan
: Well I feel like I need to put my Simon Cowell hat on for this one. I didn’t like this one last year and it doesn’t seem to have improved one bit, (channelling my British accent) it’s almost down right offensive. As soon as you open the can you get a strong hit of cinnamon scent that blasts you in the face like the moment you open your front door and there’s a blizzard outside. Described as having “a hint of cinnamon” there is nothing subtle about it. It’s full of cinnamon and that’s about all I get. A little syrupy, lots of cinnamon, and just not a real pleasant beer. As an attempt not to be too negative, they do have a cool can design.

Megan: Contrary to the description on the can, this is more than a hint of cinnamon. This smells very similar to a cinnamon roll beer we had last year. Full of spices and very sweet, this beer is not going to be one you’ll want to drink over and over again. That being said, the Saucy cans are always fun and Three Hos is sure to flood (or attack) the senses with enough cinnamon to put Cinnabon out of business. 😜

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