Day 24 of the 6th Annual Advent-ure Calendar

Day 24 of the 6th Annual Advent-ure Calendar

Day 24: Great Lakes Brewing Company Ohio City Oatmeal Stout

Great Lakes Brewing Company is often credited with being the pioneer of craft beer movement in Cleveland. Founded in 1988, Great Lakes reignited an industry that was all but gone when the last remaining craft brewery in the city closed in 1984. Now, there are over 25 breweries in the area. Normally, their Christmas Ale is the one on our list, but we switched it up and included their oatmeal stout this year. From GLBC: “Dark and roasty yet light and smooth as a fresh coat of snow, our Oatmeal Stout will kick your cabin fever and inspire you to toss another log on the fire.”


Ben: In terms of classic styles, it’s really tough to beat Great Lakes. They makes one of the best lagers, one of the best porters, and this oatmeal stout is right up there too. Perfectly roasty and chocolatey, but still finishes light. It’s super flavorful without being heavy. Their Edmund Fitzgerald Porter is one of the classic examples of that style, and I wouldn’t be surprised if this becomes a great in the oatmeal stout category.

Julia: I love Great Lakes, they are definitely one of my favorite Cleveland breweries. I look forward to this beer every year. I’m a huge stout fan but I don’t always love oatmeal stouts, this one is an exception. It’s smooth, light and yet full of flavor. It has that warm roasty flavor that makes me want to curl up on the couch with Murray Pup and watch Christmas movies. I highly recommend this beer to pretty much anyone, especially if you’re a Great Lakes or stout fan.

Adam: This beer is exactly what I want in an oatmeal stout. It’s malty and warning and smooth and straightforward. There’s a little bit of chocolate and of course the nutty oatiness

Alex: Great Lakes Ohio City Oatmeal Stout is slightly smoky, and very easy to drink.  I feel like this is a beer you want to have around a fire. It’s nothing fancy, but I think it’s delicious.  This is one I often forget exists until it’s winter and then I remember how much I like it every year.

Scott: The Great Lakes Ohio City oatmeal stout is a dark, delicious beer that comes from one of the best Cleveland breweries.  It’s an extremely well-balanced stout that most people should love.  I never really associate this one with Christmas but I’m happy to drink this any time of the year!

Christa: Great LakeS Ohio City Oatmeal Stout is delicious. I am not a fan of stouts and would never buy this and was a little depressed when I saw this was the beer for tonight. But I think this calendar has taught me, like it does every year, I don’t actually know what I like. This doesn’t scream Christmas beer to me but maybe that’s a good thing? It’s a nice treat on this snowy, very strange, Christmas Eve, and I’m very glad to have it.

Tony: Oh yes! Been waiting for this one. Its one of my absolute favorites and I look forward to it every year. Its just such a well done oatmeal stout. The description on the bottle rings true in terms of being “dark and roasty yet light and smooth like a fresh coat of snow.” Quite fitting that a fresh coat of snow is falling outside right now, forming the perfect backdrop to this delicious beer. In terms of specific flavors I get a lot of wonderful roasted coffee that finishes crisp and smooth. I’m a stout fan and this oatmeal stout is one of the best I’ve had. Next time you’re grabbing a pack of Great Lakes Christmas Ale you’ll probably see this one right next to it. Grab it. You won’t be disappointed. 🍻

Megan: This is one of my favorite Great Lakes beers and one of my favorite winter beers! It’s a dark pour and smells like coffee and chocolate. It has a smooth smoky taste but doesn’t feel to heavy. Something about this just feels right drinking it as the snow softly blankets Cleveland the night before Christmas.

Brad: Please understand, I am a Great Lakes “homer.” It was my first glimpse into breweries and I’ve loved 95% of what they put out. The oatmeal stout is one of my favorite stouts of the year. It’s sweeter than most you will have but I like it a lot. The bottle art is simple and right in line with Great Lakes style. I normally get a 6 pack of this every year and will continue to do so.

Heather: Ohio City Oatmeal Stout tastes like winter. Dark and smooth, it wraps you in a warm blanket with its thick, soft, creamy flavor. I haven’t met a Great Lakes beer I don’t like, including this one. They know what they’re doing over there. It’s the perfect Christmas Eve beverage to go with late night wrapping and cookie smashing.


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