Day 19 of the 6th Annual Advent-ure Calendar

Day 19 of the 6th Annual Advent-ure Calendar

Day 19: 3 Floyds Brewing Company Alpha Klaus

3 Floyds used to be pretty difficult to find in Cleveland, but thankfully it’s now on every respectable beer purveyor’s shelves. Since their beginnings, they’ve been known for hoppy, well-made beers and aggressive branding. Welp, the label definitely falls in line, let’s see how the beer holds up! From 3 Floyds: “Alpha King’s festive cousin. A big American Xmas Porter brewed with English chocolate malt, Mexican sugar and, of course, tons of strange American hops.”


Ben: Dammit, this is great. It’s up there as one of my favorite porters. It’s robust, chocolatey, slightly smoky, and surprisingly hoppy. I normally wouldn’t want a porter to be this hoppy, but it’s more flavor than bitterness, even though it finishes slightly more bitter than most porters. I also get a touch of that Mexican sugar addition too, it’s like a subtle molasses sweetness. Everything in here is in the right balance. Grab this if you can, it’s one of the best of the season.

Julia: Alpha Klaus is one of my favorite Christmas beers. I love a good porter but it has to have that smokey flavor and this one has it. It’s smokey, chocolatey, a touch malty and very smooth. I don’t get the super hoppy flavor some people are talking about and I don’t mind that I don’t taste it. I don’t know if there’s anything necessarily “Christmasy” about it but it’s definitely a beer I want to drink in the winter. It’s perfect for drinking next to a fire or cozied up on the couch watching Christmas movies. This is always one of my favorites and I will definitely be drinking many more this winter.

Adam: This takes the prize for the most intimidating bottle and pour of the year but the flavor is much more mellow. It’s just a quality kick ass porter. Love the idea of bitter hops pairing with the chocolate like one of those fancy bars you buy that you’re only supposed to eat a square of in tiny nibbles.
No one does that. We all eat a ton of it and say “wow. That’s bitter chocolate. We should eat smaller bits”
I digress. Much like Adam Scott in the movie Krampus, this beer is fabulous.

Alex: 3 Floyd’s Alpha Klaus looked SO THICK when we poured it, but it doesn’t feel it at all when you drink it.  It has a slight chocolate taste, with a hoppy ending 😉 I know I’ve had this before, but I really do enjoy this one, and will definitely drink it again.

Scott: Three Floyd’s is one of my favorite breweries and the Alpha Klaus does not disappoint.  It has an amazing label, a warm porter flavor and hints of chocolate.  It’s smooth, delicious and features the villain from a video game on the label.  We’ve done this one before and I very purposefully bought this one again this year for our reviews.

Christa: Oh, woof. This is not for me. Nope, no thank you. This looks and tastes like tar. The bottle design and flavor scare me.

*last night of guest appearances by Danny & Paige*

Danny: I don’t like this at all. I spent most of my college days avoiding bottles my buddies might have spit in and I imagine this is what that would taste like.

Paige: The darker, the better. I think it’s really good. It’s not bitter to me, I don’t know what Danny and Christa are talking about. I do love a porter and this is up there for me, it’s smooth and flavorful. I think it’s a nice non-traditional Christmas beer and I won’t forget it.

Tony: Hello my old friend! I remember loving this one last year and happy to see it again. It’s still really, really good. You had me at “Christmas porter.” The chocolate malts and Mexican sugar mixed with a little hoppiness is such a great combination. I definitely can taste the chocolate element and it has a little bit of smokiness too. I’m a big fan of this one and would highly recommend it. Amazing, creepy art on the bottle just adds another fun twist to a really enjoyable, dark christmas porter. 🍻

Megan: This is just a fun one! Most beers focus on the sweet side of Christmas and this one just goes full on Krampus. The can and name are super fun and the beer isn’t bad either. It’s a nice dark, rich, cocoa porter which I can always enjoy this time of year. It’s not too heavy so I could drink a few at a party without needing to switch it up. It’s not too sweet, in fact is has a little bitter/hoppy aftertaste. I enjoy this one and would look forward to it again!

Brad: Love to see Three Floyd’s on the advent beer calendar again this year. The bottle art is always exciting and I love the description on the bottle “tons of strange American hops.” This porter is a very hoppy porter, almost on the black IPA level. I enjoy it. I’m also somewhat thankful it’s not a high ABV beer because I need a low ABV hoppy beer like this to balance out the 8-9% holiday spiced ale I’ve been consuming lately. I smell holiday flavors and taste some chocolate but it’s nothing that screams “Christmas” beer to me. I am a fan and love what Three Floyd’s does.

Heather: First of all, this bottle is so fun. 🔥🤘🏽It’s dark. It’s dangerous. It makes me want to play metal super loud while staring at the Yule Log channel. The weight is right on — not too light but not so heavy that it’s hard to get down. The flavors have a nice balance, too, though I forgot how hoppy this porter is. There’s a subtle chocolate taste that lingers nicely and a bit of thickness that stays in your mouth for a while. I like 3 Floyds’ other beers (hi Gumball Head) and I remember liking this one last year, too. Overall, it’s smooth and damn good.

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