Broad Spotlight: Jennifer McGraw, owner of McGraw’s Paws

Broad Spotlight: Jennifer McGraw, owner of McGraw’s Paws


One of the most commonly asked questions we get isn’t about where to eat or drink in CLE, it’s “How did you find yourpet sitter?” People know we travel and we have a bunch of pets at home (5 to be exact: 4 crazy kitties and one crazy pupper) and they want to know what happens to them while we are away. Since we get asked about this so often, we figured we’d let the professional answer the questions. Jen is our main pet sitter (sometimes she’s booked and we desperately have to find someone else), and quite honestly we’d be lost without her.

Before we found Jen, we were boarding Murray and then finding someone to come over twice a day to feed the cats. It was a hassle. You see, we can’t leave out food for the cats. The boys eat theirs immediately and then go after the girls’ food. We have to feed them all separately in separate rooms. It’s a WHOLE big thing. We decided a pet sitter who could stay at the house with Murray and the cats and also watch the house is the best way to handle all of them. Our animals are high maintenance. We also sometimes need a sitter when we’re just gone all day and need someone to walk Murray and feed the kitties. Jen does it ALL. We don’t want to keep her for ourselves, but we do suggest booking ahead of time because she can easily get booked up. And don’t take our spots!

Why we love Jen: she’s amazing with the animals, like reallllly amazing. Murray actually gets depressed when she leaves. She gets the best pics of them. She gives us updates. She brings them treats. She’s responsible, clean, courteous, she’s just the best!

Ok enough from us. We will let Jen take it from here!

When and why did you start McGraw’s Paws?
I started McGraw’s Paws in 2016. I worked in the service industry for many years and I sort of became the resident pet sitter for my friends, co-workers and customers. I’ve been an animal lover my entire life and tend to bond pretty instantly with people’s pets (most times more than people, haha. No really.). After I left my last job I had no idea what I wanted the next step in my life to be, career wise. I had no plan, which sounds totally crazy now that I look back on it! Pet sitting sort of fell into my lap and paved the way for me. I had no idea you could make an actual living doing this work full time but after doing a bunch of research I realized that pet sitting is an entire industry! In some ways, starting McGraw’s Paws happened so organically that it felt like a completely effortless and natural career transition. But, at the same time I have never worked harder at anything in my life! My co-workers now have fur and are super excited to see me everyday, and I am so so grateful to get to do this work. It’s joy-filled work. I hate to sound like I’m bragging, but it’s kind of the perfect job.

Do you only work with cats and dogs, or other animals too?
Most of my work is centered around caring for cats and dogs, but I am always open to learning about how to care for less common household pets. I have experience caring for guinea pigs, chameleons, rats, fish and a very sassy bird who shall remain nameless. I’m really praying for a pot belly pig client someday! (Call me!)

What should people look for when trying to find a pet sitter? 
Of course, you want someone you can trust, first and foremost. A professional pet sitter will always offer you a meet and greet which is basically a no obligation interview to go over your pet sitting needs, meet your pet, and get a feel for each other. Interview several pet sitters, ask for referrals, make sure they are insured and bonded. Ask as many questions as you need. What is their communication style? What would they do in an emergency scenario? Will they send you daily photo updates? Ask yourself: What do you need to be assured of in order to have peace of mind when you are hiring someone to care for your pets? Handing over the keys to your home should not be taken lightly and any pet sitter worth their weight in salt (or dog poop bags) knows what a privilege it is to be trusted with such a responsibility. A pet sitter should be warm and friendly and attentive. I think a lot of times people equate dog walking and pet sitting to frivolous work, but it requires so much love and care along with time management and communication skills. *Technically* anyone can do it, but not everyone can do it well and with heart.

Why do people need a pet sitter?
There are so many reasons: If you ever want to go on vacation or out of town for a weekend without having to harass/bribe your family and friends to help you out every time, having a trusted pet sitter is a great idea! Also, anyone who has a puppy and works outside of the home will probably need a pet sitter for potty breaks and socialization. If you have a senior pet or a pet with special needs, having a skilled and patient pet sitter is essential for when you are away. Same goes for anyone with a higher energy dog that needs more exercise or a routine to keep. Being able to keep your pets in your home is ideal for a lot of pets (especially cats who aren’t too keen on environmental changes) because many can’t go to doggie daycare or be boarded for a variety of reasons. It can seem like a luxury to have a pet sitter, but it’s really not. It’s a service designed for helping people manage their busy and often hectic lives so they can relax a little! We have too many worries and responsibilities in modern day life and hiring someone to help you with your pets can really help with stress and keep a household running smoothly. 

How can people better help their pet sitter? Do you need a list of all their pets likes, dislikes, schedule etc (you know like basically the list we have plastered to our cupboard)? 
I LOVE as much information as possible! I have paperwork that all of my new clients fill out at our meet and greet to let me know as much about your pet as possible. I LOVE a picture chart/graph/list of do’s and don’ts/venn diagram/powerpoint presentation if need be! I want to know that your poodle has beef with the chihuahua down the street before I walk by that house or that your cat has thing for puking in shoes as a form or revenge while you are away. Having an emergency contact in place and backup set of keys somewhere helps too! The #1 helper is always communication and feedback (both positive and critical): If I do something wrong and I am unaware, I want to know so that I can fix it. I am forever grateful to my clients who have told me about something that has bothered them because it has enabled me to learn and grow and make my business stronger. Of course, I love compliments and praise, too. Haha. 

How far in advance should people book your services?
Oh boy, at this point I’m already booking out through summer and fall which is wild considering the year is still young. I would say, as soon as you know you have solid plans, it’s time to find a pet sitter to book. And it’s always a good idea to have a main pet sitter and a backup just in case. I’ve received many an email that say something like “I’m going to France for two weeks on Saturday, can you help me out?” and it’s Wednesday.  Of course, emergency situations always arise, and I try to accommodate as much as I can or refer people to a group of trusted pet sitters that I know. Also, even if you don’t need a pet sitter right now, if doesn’t hurt to start interviewing for one now and get in their customer file so all you need to do is shoot them an email or text to book them, because sometimes even setting up a meet and greet time can take a few weeks or longer depending on how busy they are. And lastly, any major holidays (especially Thanksgiving and Christmas) and summer time are always booming times for pet sitters so keep that in mind when looking to book! 

Can you give us a list of your services?
Yep! I do daily dog walking, cat sitting, dog sitting/overnight pet sitting, animal transport (for instance picking up/dropping off to doggie day care). If you have a special request (like, ahem, transporting a certain corgi in a tuxedo to a wedding or a fancy gala while wearing a King costume to Playhouse Square…) I’m pretty open and flexible and if I can make it work, I will!

Best places in CLE to take your dog?
Edgewater is great!  There is a special dog friendly beach zone for pups to run around in. Bow Wow Beach in Stow is pretty cool, too.  We are really lucky to have the Metroparks for lots of great walking and hiking trails. Cleveland has become increasingly more dog friendly over the years. Many local breweries and coffee shops are dog friendly if they have a patio. Fat Cats in Tremont even has a doggie brunch menu! I also know there are some breed specific meetup groups around town, too!  Just do a Google search or check out

Cats vs dogs…who wins?
I tell all my clients: I’m a dog lady in the streets, a cat lady in the sheets! I love all my clients no matter what their breed, but cats have a special place in my heart. (Shout out to my kitties: Maleen, Odie and Shadow! I love you!!!)

Jen brought Murray down to E. 4th for our wedding pics!

Most important question: which one of our pets is your favorite?
Wow. Had I known going into this questionnaire that this was going to turn into a cut throat Games of Paws situation, I would have thought this through more thoroughly…  I hate to give a politicians answer but I love all your pets equally for their VERY unique personality traits: Gracie because she is classy, Scout for keeping me on my toes and looking over my shoulder at all times, Toby for his thieving abilities and Riggins because he is a baby boy BUT, Murray takes the cake because I feel like we have a special bond (when he isn’t borking at me to give him more snacks/attention). Who could resist a corgi in a tuxedo, you know?   

Be sure to check out Jen on Instagram (you’ll see a few pics of our animals) and her website, and make sure you tell her we sent you 🙂


2 thoughts on “Broad Spotlight: Jennifer McGraw, owner of McGraw’s Paws”

  • Love this post! I am getting ready to hire my very first dog sitter (my dog is 8) and I found all of your suggestions so helpful! As I’m sure we can all agree, our pets are family! They’re like our kids! To leave our dog at home, where she is comfortable…means the world to me.

    Thank you for sharing your insight and suggestions…I feel confident going forward and knowing what to look for in a sitter.

  • Aw, I love this post! What a great way to spotlight a pet sitter. 🙂 We have a pet sitter as well. We have two dogs and I’m sure they’d be fine in a kennel but it’s more fun for them to go visit her and socialize with other dogs while we’re gone.

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